Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
A ginger cat with green eyes lies comfortably, looking directly at the camera.
A ginger cat with green eyes lies comfortably, looking directly at the camera.
“Mr. Smitty Kitty,” by Rachel Brassard, 15, of Montpelier

Young Writers Project is a creative, online community of teen writers and visual artists that started in Burlington in 2006. Each week, VTDigger publishes the writing and art of young Vermonters who post their work on, a free, interactive website for youth, ages 13-19. To find out more, please go to or contact Executive Director Susan Reid at; (802) 324-9538.

Whoever said dogs were man’s best friend never met any but the most wily and cantankerous of cats — for cats are, to many of us, the most paramount comfort in times of strife and charming, chirping companions every other day of the week. (Did you know a cat’s purr actually helps reduce stress?) This week’s featured poet, Emmalynn Kane of Bennington, shares an imaginary conversation between a beloved old family cat and the new kitten he is imparting his wisdom onto.

An old cat’s wish

Emmalynn Kane, 13, Bennington

“Please take care of my human,”

the old cat whispers to the kitten.

“They are scarred and broken.

Until my return,

take care of my human.”

The kitten is listening attentively,

but she doesn't understand much of what the old cat is saying.

“They never forget your meals, nor cleaning the bathroom.

They always check in on you,

no matter whether you’re under their bed

or sleeping on the living room couch,

or even if you don’t want to be checked on.

They always check in on you.

They always know where to scratch you when you itch,

and they will always make time for you.”

“Please keep my human warm, as they do not possess fur.

Give them company when they feel lonely,

and lick their hand when they are crying.”

“Please take care of my human,

until my return.”

The old cat’s bed sinks with his weight.

The little kitten sniffs around.

Please take care of my human.

The kitten understands.

She cuddles close to the human with a purr.

She keeps them warm like the old cat did.

She keeps them happy like the old cat did –

she will do everything the old cat did, until his return.

Anything for the human.

Read the story on VTDigger here: Young Writers Project: ‘An old cat’s wish’.