When I stepped into a Sierra Nevada meadow over 25 years ago, I was struck by the diversity of life, the hub of biological activity — full of birds, frogs, fish and plants. As a wildlife ecologist, I was in love. That infatuation has endured, growing into one of the great passions in my life.
As a lifelong Californian, I’ve always been enamored with the natural wonders our state contains, and meadows are no exception.
Californians have a lot to be proud of. In addition to the highest GDP of any state, we have a proven track record as the country’s climate and environmental leader. Since voters recently approved Proposition 4, we can be proud that California will deepen its commitment to large-scale action to address the state’s water, wildfire and climate challenges.
The $10 billion bond measure will flow to environmental projects large and small, including $1.2 billion for land conservation and habitat restoration, which will benefit communities and wildlife around the state. But one question looms: What might these investments to increase climate resilience look like on the ground?
Some of the most important — and often overlooked — natural resources the state has are the verdant high elevation wetlands we call mountain meadows. These meadows lie at the headwaters of the rivers that flow out of the Sierra Nevada, Cascade and Klamath mountains, supplying the majority of water we rely on for agriculture and drinking, and supporting diverse ecosystems from the Sierra to the sea, from Yreka to San Diego.
They serve an important role in improving water quality and increasing water storage, acting as giant sponges that soak up snow melt and slowly release it through the dry summer months. And mountain meadows are superstars at carbon sequestration, pulling carbon out of the atmosphere as fast as tropical rainforests.
Mountain meadows provide important wildlife habitat for a broad suite of species, including many that are threatened with extinction, such as Willow Flycatchers and Yosemite Toads.
For a millennia, mountain meadows have also held a deep cultural significance for the many tribes that have stewarded these ecosystems.
Unfortunately, over 50% of Sierra meadows have been heavily degraded or lost over the past 150 years, due to road-building, overgrazing, fire suppression, mining, water diversions and more. These meadows no longer provide the wealth of important services they once did.
The Sierra Meadows Partnership has sought to protect and restore these crown jewels of the Sierra Nevada and Cascades mountains. Comprised of NGOs, government agencies, universities, conservation districts and restoration practitioners, we have restored more than 8,000 acres and protected 10,000 since 2016. The goal is to restore and conserve 30,000 acres by 2030.
Prop. 4 has the potential to dramatically scale up the meadow restoration and conservation work taking place, which will pay dividends to the people and wildlife statewide that rely on the many natural benefits of healthy mountain meadows. The billions designated for water projects, forest health and nature-based climate solutions could increase funding possibilities to restore meadows, amplify Indigenous voices and improve the resilience of our watersheds.
Recently, I had the privilege of engaging local elementary students from the small town of Chester to assist us in the restoration of Child’s Meadow, near Lassen Volcanic National Park. Witnessing their sense of purpose and accomplishment as they took an active role in restoring their watershed reminded me once again of why California invests in the restoration of our incredible natural resources.