Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

Jessica McGowan/Getty Images

Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has appointed two new members — one Democrat and one Republican — to serve on the bipartisan Board of State Canvassers.

The Board of State Canvassers consists of four members — two members from each major political party — who are nominated by their state central committee, the Senate majority leader, the Senate minority leader, the speaker of the House of Representatives, or the House minority leader.

Heather Cummings, of Novi, is an attorney and founding partner at Cummings Law Group PLC. Cummings is appointed to represent Democrats for a term commencing Feb. 1 and expiring Jan. 31, 2029. Cummings succeeds Jeanette Bradshaw, whose term is expiring.

Cummings specializes in union-side labor law and employment rights at the state and federal level; provides pro bono legal services, including Election Day voter protection efforts; and volunteers as a cooperating attorney for the ACLU of Michigan. Cummings additionally serves as chair of the ACLU Oakland County Lawyers’ Committee. Cummings holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Alma College, a master’s in library science from the University of Michigan, and a Juris Doctorate from Wayne State University Law School.

Paul Cordes, of Rockford, is the founder and owner of Pantlind Strategies and is appointed to represent Republicans for a term commencing Feb. 1 and expiring Jan. 31, 2029. He succeeds Anthony Daunt, whose term is expiring. Cordes holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science from the University of Minnesota.

The Board of State Canvassers canvasses and certifies statewide elections, elections for legislative districts that cross county lines, and all judicial offices except judge of the probate court. The board also conducts recounts for state-level offices, canvasses nominating petitions filed with the Secretary of State and state-level ballot proposal petitions, assigns ballot designations and adopts ballot language for statewide ballot proposals, and approves electronic voting systems for use in the state.

These appointments are subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats.