Thu. Jan 30th, 2025

A Chesapeake Bay sunrise on a frigid morning in January 2025. With the federal government abandoning the fight, it’s time for Maryland to take action to protect its environment. (Photo by Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi)

President Donald “Drill Baby Drill” Trump’s new executive orders doubling down on fossil fuels and slashing clean energy mandates have sent a dangerous message: America is moving backward in the fight to protect the people and planet we love.

But here in Maryland, we don’t have to follow his lead. Instead, we can seize this moment to double down on progress and accountability, ensuring our state remains resilient in the face of the growing climate crisis. Given our budget crisis, we need to do it in a way that is fair, cost effective and will ensure our economy can thrive.

For Maryland, a state uniquely vulnerable to climate change impacts like rising seas, flooding and extreme heat, the stakes couldn’t be higher. We cannot rely on Washington to safeguard our future. Maryland must act decisively to secure its climate resilience and economic stability — and we can start by making polluters pay for their lies and the damage they’ve caused.

Maryland’s “Goldilocks” advantage is at risk

Maryland is a “Goldilocks State” — not too hot, not too cold, with a temperate climate that fosters economic growth and a high quality of life. We have the kind of inclusive values and excellent institutions of higher education and science that can make us attractive to people looking to relocate from other states. But the accelerating climate crisis is putting that balance at risk. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and severe, threatening lives, livelihoods, and infrastructure.

The costs are staggering. In Baltimore and St. Mary’s County, millions are being spent to upgrade stormwater systems as rainfall intensifies. Annapolis has committed $84 million to protect against rising tides. Statewide, Maryland will need billions more to shield our communities and transition to clean energy. Meantime, we are facing a budget crisis.

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So far, however, Maryland’s budget is looking like it will rely on cuts to services and increases in fees and taxes to some Marylanders alone — leaving money on the table that morally should be ours.

We need measures that will hold corporate polluters accountable while delivering resources Maryland needs to combat climate change effectively. Without such forward-thinking policies, taxpayers will bear the brunt of lost services and mounting expenses, while fossil fuel companies rake in record profits.

The solution: three bills to make polluters pay

Maryland has a chance to lead where Washington is failing. Three pivotal bills could shift the financial burden of the climate crisis from taxpayers to the corporations that created it:

  1. The RENEW Act (HB128): This bill establishes a fund for climate resilience projects, funded by fossil fuel companies. Similar bills have passed in Vermont and New York. Here at home, it could yield $9 billion to finance critical infrastructure improvements and clean energy initiatives.
  2. Climate Lawsuit Authority (HB340): This legislation enables Maryland to hold fossil fuel companies accountable in court for their role in causing climate damage. Similar lawsuits have already achieved significant settlements in other states, redirecting billions of dollars toward climate solutions.
  3. Coal Fee Legislation: Speaker Pro Tem Dana Stein’s upcoming bill will place a fee on coal transportation in Maryland, directing approximately $300 million a year toward renewable energy projects and public health programs in communities affected by coal pollution.

Supercharging Maryland’s economy

Fossil fuel companies claim that holding them accountable will hurt the economy, but the opposite is true. By investing in clean energy, climate resilience and public health, Maryland can create thousands of good-paying jobs in industries of the future. These investments will reduce energy costs, improve air quality and attract businesses and residents who value a sustainable, forward-thinking state.

Moreover, making polluters — not taxpayers — pay for the damages they caused will ease the financial burden on Maryland families. Rather than watching their tax dollars go to emergency repairs and cleanup, Marylanders can look forward to a future where corporate accountability funds prevention and innovation. It worked with tobacco and opioids, and should be done with fossil fuel companies as well.

Maryland has already made significant strides toward combating climate change, achieving a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 2006. But we can’t rest on our laurels. Trump’s executive orders remind us that federal leadership cannot be counted on to protect our communities. The responsibility lies with us to secure a livable future.

By passing the RENEW Act, HB340 and the coal fee legislation, Maryland can set a national example of climate leadership and economic fairness. These bills are not just about holding polluters accountable — they’re about protecting the places we call home, the people we love and the opportunities we want to preserve for future generations.

It’s time to act boldly. Let’s make polluters pay — and ensure Maryland remains a beacon of resilience and progress in an increasingly uncertain world.