Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Townshend centenarian Richard Jackson eyes mementos of his World War II service in the U.S. Army’s 100th Infantry Division. Photo by Kevin O’Connor/VTDigger

TOWNSHEND — Local veteran Richard Jackson’s World War II stint in Europe was 80 years ago and 3,500 miles away.

And yet, still on the top of his mind.

“I became the gunner on a mortar squad, which by definition is not on the front line and instead 100 yards behind, so I felt blessed,” Jackson said in a recent interview. “But of course, whenever you got shelled, you knew the potential of getting hit.”

Jackson, who celebrated his 100th birthday last fall, figured the rest of the world had long moved past such memories. Then the man known to family and friends as Dick learned he’s about to receive France’s highest honor, the Légion d’Honneur, for the military service that sparked them.

“This award testifies to France’s high esteem for your merits and accomplishments,” French Consul General Mustafa Soykurt wrote to Jackson in a letter. “In particular, it is a sign of France’s infinite gratitude and appreciation for your personal and precious contribution to the United States’ decisive role in the liberation of our country during World War II.”

The honor, created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1802, recognizes people for military or civilian contributions. Although it’s usually given to French citizens, it has been granted to such Americans as telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell, former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and General Colin Powell.

Enter Karsten Olsen, a seventh-grader at Dorset’s Long Trail School. The 13-year-old first knew Jackson for living in the same Townshend senior residence as his paternal grandfather. The student, who has dual U.S. and French citizenship, then learned the centenarian fought in the Army’s 100th Infantry Division that liberated the northeastern French homeland of Olsen’s maternal family.

Jackson received two U.S. Bronze Stars for exemplary conduct during combat. Olsen, writing French officials in their shared language, suggested they add their own accolades for the soldier’s overall service.

“Je pense qu’il est essentiel que nous reconnaissions Dick Jackson,” Olsen told them of his belief that “I think it is essential that we recognize Dick Jackson.”

Jackson still remembers making his way to the front line, where the soldier felt the rising tension.

“Unfortunately you get used to it,” the veteran said. “That’s the trouble. I think that’s why we stay at war.”

Richard Jackson (third in top row) poses with his fellow U.S. Army 100th Infantry Division members in France in 1944. Photo courtesy Richard Jackson

Graduating from high school just before the U.S. joined the fight in 1941, Jackson went on after his discharge to earn master’s and doctoral degrees in food technology from the University of Massachusetts. Hired by the Campbell Soup Company of Camden, New Jersey, he helped develop such products as frozen dinners and dry soup mix.

Moving to Vermont upon his retirement in 1978, Jackson became a Townshend selectboard member, assistant town clerk and lister. Ask for an interview today and the centenarian will check his calendar before figuring out how to fit you in between all his recreational activities.

“Keep moving,” Jackson said of his secret to a long life. “And tell your kids and grandkids to look after their health. That’s one thing my dad did for me.”

The French consul general is set to recognize Jackson May 29 at a noon ceremony at the Valley Cares assisted living complex in Townshend.

The recipient can’t say if he’s the only member of his unit still alive. But eyeing an old photograph of the 100th Infantry Division’s 399th regiment, he knows he won’t be accepting the award alone.

“This accomplishment was not possible by just one man,” Jackson said. “My buddies were critical. This honor is in recognition of all of them.”

Read the story on VTDigger here: This Vermont centenarian fought in Europe 80 years ago. Now he’s set to receive France’s highest honor..
