Fri. Oct 4th, 2024

The invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023, reminded us of the horrors of terrorism, as innocent civilians were once again targeted by extremists using violence to achieve political goals.

Hamas and its allies killed 815 civilians including 38 children out of the 1,139 total deaths, and 251 people, including children, women, and the elderly, were taken hostage. There no question Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Since then American media has been transfixed by the invasion and the ensuing war. This risks losing sight of the larger context because October 7th is not an isolated incident. It is part of a broader pattern of terror in the Middle East, where extremist groups seek to dominate through actions that threaten American and global security. We cannot turn away or leave Israel to face this danger alone. Now more than ever, we must stand firm in the fight against terrorism.

The violence of October 7th reflects a larger campaign in which terror is used to advance political and religious agendas. Hezbollah essentially operates as a government in the areas under its control, and neither the military nor federal authorities can counter its power or respond to its criminal behavior. Once prosperous, Lebanon is now mired in collapse. It is small wonder that spontaneous celebrations erupted after Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s death.

Although Hezbollah claims to exist primarily to fight Israel, they have murdered and starved countless Syrians in support of Bashar al-Assad. Syria, too, saw spontaneous celebrations following Nasrallah’s death. Along with other terrorist groups, Hezbollah has targeted minorities, leaving Syria fractured and devastated. Entire communities have been wiped out or forced into exile. Before 2011, human rights organizations estimated that 1.5 million Christians lived in Syria. Today, that number has dwindled to 300,000.

The Houthi rebels of Yemen appear in the American media as an anti-Israel force encouraging us to believe that is the reason behind their attacks on global shipping. The American press rarely mentions the Houthis’ internal terror tactics, including reports of human slavery, nor mentions their attacks on neighboring Arab states.

These groups justify violence against civilians as a necessary means to achieve their ends. Their ideology is driven by a thirst for power, not justice or freedom, and their ruthless tactics, often tied to religious beliefs, make them particularly dangerous. Whether through missile strikes on civilian areas or targeting religious minorities, extremists see innocent lives as expendable in their quest for dominance.

Americans must remember that the threat doesn’t stop in the Middle East. Perhaps it is enough to remember 9/11 and remind us of why we pass through tight security at airports in America and worldwide.

Among the devastating internal terror attacks are the San Bernardino attack which killed 14 and the Orlando Nightclub shooting which killed 49. We could point out terror attacks in Europe. Iran, a key supporter of all the groups mentioned, openly calls for “Death to America” alongside “Death to Israel.” We must not dismiss this as mere rhetoric. For our safety, we must recognize that these statements reflect a deeply rooted hostility toward the West.

Our government is aware of these dangers: “Protecting the United States from terrorist attacks is the FBI’s number one priority. The Bureau works closely with its partners to neutralize terrorist cells and operatives here in the United States, dismantle extremist networks worldwide, and cut off financing and other support provided to foreign terrorist organizations.” We in Connecticut need to keep the dangers in mind.

Americans must remember that the fight against terrorism is not just Israel’s fight —it is ours. Ignoring this danger and allowing groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to survive only emboldens terrorists, encouraging more horrors to be inflicted upon more people. These forces threaten our own and global security.

October 7th should serve as a wake-up call. We cannot turn away. Now is the time for America to stand firm in support of Israel and against terrorism. By standing together, we can defeat these extremist forces and ensure a future of peace and security. This fight is difficult, but it is necessary to protect the values of freedom and democracy. We must act, and we must act now.

Norman Sondheimer, Ph.D., lives in Avon.
