Mon. Oct 7th, 2024

Republican Neil C. Parrott takes notes as Democrat April McClain Delaney speaks at a candidate forum in Frederick on Sunday. Photo by Josh Kurtz.

A day after the Fracas in Frederick — or the Commotion on the Campus, or the Hostility at Hood — the candidates in Maryland’s 6th Congressional District exchanged more vitriol Monday, with each accusing the other of perpetrating the nastiness.

On Sunday, a candidate forum at Hood College in Frederick with former state Del. Neil C. Parrott (R) and former U.S. Commerce Department official April McClain Delaney (D) devolved into an angry shouting match in the final minutes, as Parrott accused her of lying about his record in her campaign ads and literature and she tried to fight back.

On Monday, both campaigns issued statements with choice words for their opposition. Both news releases were accompanied by grainy photographs of the candidates pointing fingers at one another, and Delaney’s included a picture of Parrott storming off the stage.

Parrott’s post-forum statement, which was delivered early Monday morning, was headlined “Parrott Wins Forum with Pragmatic Solutions as an Unhinged Delaney Explodes Physically Losing Composure.”

The news release praised Parrott’s “pragmatic approach to addressing the critical issues facing Maryland’s families. Neil delivered a clear message, on how to combat inflation, create good-paying jobs, secure our border, and support law enforcement, all while emphasizing solutions over divisive rhetoric.

“In stark contrast,” the missive went on, “April Delaney’s campaign has been defined by strictly negative ads, while offering no meaningful solutions. When confronted with this inconsistency during the debate, Delaney lost control. In a shocking moment, she aggressively grabbed Neil’s arm, then began pointing and yelling at him, visibly frustrated as she twice interrupted his closing statement. As Neil calmly discussed key issues like creating jobs, securing the border, and supporting law enforcement, Delaney mockingly shook her hands in an erratic manner, dismissing these critical issues that matter to voters in the district.

“While Delaney’s campaign has relied solely on personal attacks, and now physical outbursts, Neil Parrott continues to focus on solutions to the issues that matter most to the people of the Maryland’s 6th congressional district, offering a clear, constructive path forward.”

The Parrott news released also linked to a Frederick County League of Women Voters video of the forum.

The Delaney campaign’s news release was headlined, “Confronted With His Dangerous Record, Neil Parrott Loses Control, Aggressively Attacks His Opponent And Walks Off Debate Stage.” It contained a short but punchy statement from Delaney.

“Neil Parrott can point fingers, attack me personally and run off the debate stage, but he can’t run away from his repeated attacks against women,” she said.

The next forum in the hotly contested congressional race, the most competitive in Maryland, is a breakfast sponsored by the Washington County Chamber of Commerce, scheduled for Oct. 16.
