Newsom tacks right to oppose transgender athletes in women’s sports
Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to run for president, so he’s going to drift rightward on some issues. But he jolted LGBTQ supporters recently with comments about transgender athletes. Read more
Pioneering journalist K.W. Lee lived a life worthy of the California Hall of Fame
Legendary journalist K.W. Lee was fiercely committed to exposing political malpractice in the Capitol and recognizing Asian Americans in California, compiling a lengthy list of accomplishments deserving of a spot in the California Hall of Fame. Read more
California’s cities and schools face big budget gaps, few options
California’s major cities and school districts are facing sizable budget gaps. Much like the state, they have few financial options. Read more
Playing political Whac-A-Mole as issue of bond measure language pops up again
Lawmakers keep introducing bills to make it hard for voters to tell from ballot language how much a proposed bond issue or tax increase would cost. Read more