Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

U.S. Senator Bob Casey speaks at the opening of the 108th Pennsylvania Farm Show in Harrisburg, Jan. 6, 2024. (Photo by Commonwealth Media Services)

Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Casey’s campaign is launching a new initiative aimed at courting older voters who reliably show up at the polls and who may prove pivotal in races up and down the ballot in 2024.

First shared with the Capital-Star, the “Seniors for Casey” coalition has more than 100 seniors across the commonwealth, including former Gov. Ed Rendell, former Philadelphia Mayor John Street, and former International Vice President of SEIU Rosemary Trump.

His campaign told the Capital-Star that showing up for seniors in Pennsylvania is a top priority for Casey and touted his record of advancing legislation that benefits seniors.

“This coalition will help ensure his priorities for seniors are shared throughout the state from now until election day through events, outreach, organizing, and conversations within their communities,” Maddy McDaniel, spokesperson for Bob Casey for Senate, told the Capital-Star. “Senator Casey has championed seniors’ issues throughout his time in the Senate and this coalition is just another way he is centering them in his work.”

Casey, who is seeking a fourth term in the U.S. Senate serves as the Chairman of the Special Committee on Aging. His campaign points to Casey’s efforts on lowering costs, protecting seniors from scams and financial exploitation, holding long-term care facilities accountable, and protecting Social Security and Medicare. He’s also been endorsed by the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare, a left-leaning advocacy group. 

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Seniors have been a key part of Casey’s reelection in the past, but recent polling suggests that he is running neck-and-neck with Republican challenger David McCormick among this group of voters. An AARP Pennsylvania statewide election survey released on May 7 showed Casey leading McCormick by 4 points among voters 18 and over, and McCormick with a 1 point advantage over Casey with voters 50 and older.

During Casey’s most recent reelection in 2018 over then-GOP U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, Casey won voters 50-64 by 5 points and defeated Barletta with voters 65 and older by 17 points. He won the election by 13 points overall.

Pennsylvania has one of the largest senior populations among battleground states. And Casey is not the only candidate for office seeking to secure a win among older voters. Bloomberg reports President Joe Biden’s campaign has been courting this group of voters by organizing bingo games in key states and running ads during shows with a large senior viewing audience, such as the Price is Right.

The post New Casey campaign coalition puts focus on senior voters in Pennsylvania appeared first on Pennsylvania Capital-Star.
