Sat. Oct 26th, 2024

MY NAME IS John Deaton, and you may have heard that I’m running for US Senate against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to better represent you and your families in Washington. As a retired US Marine, an attorney, and someone who grew up in extreme poverty, I’m passionate in my belief that working families deserve fierce advocacy. Most importantly, as a father, I’m dedicated to the idea that we owe our kids a better future than the one being molded by Warren and her special interest allies.

If you haven’t heard about my campaign, I want you to know that I have heard you. For eight months, I’ve been lucky enough to visit every corner of the Commonwealth – listening to you, rather than trying to impose policies on you and your families that have been written by outside interests or Washington, DC lobbyists. I can be a better voice for you because I’ve listened to yours. 

And, to earn your vote, I owe it to you to tell you what I’d do, based on what I’ve heard you say. Here’s what I’ll do for you in my first week:

 Secure our borders

Fact: Warren supports the lax border policies costing us billions of dollars in state aid and federal resources as we struggle with the migrant crisis. When she had the opportunity to vote on the bipartisan immigration reform bill, which would have increased resources to secure the border and brought immediate funds and relief to the Commonwealth, Warren took the same position as Donald Trump and extremist elements in both parties to kill the reform. Since then, she has objected to President Biden placing any cap on daily illegal crossings.

My Promise: Unlike Warren, I’ll work across the aisle to secure bipartisan agreements for stronger border control and immigration reform. On your behalf, I will file common sense proposals within my first five days in office!

Benefit: Because of the migrant crisis, Massachusetts has become a border state. My plan will improve security and reduce pressure on local services. I will ensure that your taxpayer dollars are used for your benefit, not for Warren’s agenda of supporting illegal criminals who cross the border on promises of free money, health care, and legal aid – on your dime.

Stop the spending crisis

For 12 years, Warren has prioritized her political ambitions and fringe leftism over the needs of working families. Her reckless spending has driven inflation, with over $6 trillion added to the national debt since 2020, and her policies are stretching our state’s resources by ignoring necessary border security.

Fact: Warren has supported massive spending bills with weak or nonexistent oversight, including the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act and implementation of the 2009 Troubled Asset Relief Program

Promise: I’ll introduce a Spending Accountability Act to freeze unnecessary spending.

Benefit: This will immediately redirect billions from wasteful programs into tax relief for you, easing the burden on working families.

Fight inflation

Fact: Warren has voted or advocated for out-of-control federal regulations that have cost small businesses billions, driving up costs and killing jobs in Massachusetts. This includes the closure of Nashoba Valley Medical Center and Carney Hospital, costing the state hundreds of jobs. Her opposition to Amazon’s purchase of Massachusetts-made iRobot shed another 300 jobs from our state’s economy.

Promise: With the passage of my Spending Accountability Act, I’ll cut $500 billion in harmful regulations.

Benefit: This will immediately boost small businesses right here in Massachusetts, increase job creation, and bring prices down for you and your loved ones, putting more money back in your pocket.

Massachusetts can’t afford to wait, and that’s why I’m humbly asking for your vote. Ask yourself: Is your life better today than it was 12 years ago? If not, it’s time for change. Elizabeth Warren had her chance. She’s been in Washington for more than a decade. I’m asking for one chance to serve you as your senator, and I promise I’ll never forget who I’m working for – you, the people of Massachusetts.

In my first week, I will take immediate action to bring back economic relief and create a brighter future for all of us. This isn’t just about politics – it’s about the well-being of your children and mine. My daughter Layla is 5 years old and I’m ready to fight for her future and for your kids’ future. I’ve fought against the odds my whole life, but never for a better cause. 

If you give me the honor of your vote, I pledge to work tirelessly to make things better. I won’t let you down.

John Deaton is the Republican candidate for US Senate in Massachusetts.

The post Massachusetts has become a border state appeared first on CommonWealth Beacon.
