Sun. Mar 9th, 2025
Letters to the editor.

Dear Editor,

Prosperity, not just affordability” was the title of a recent opinion piece published by VTDigger, written by Sen. Wendy Harrison.

“Wow!” I said. Maybe someone finally gets it? Unfortunately the article turned out to be just another reiteration of the same old supermajority agenda. 

Yes, recent housing legislation and (still temporary) changes to Act 250 will no doubt help ease our housing shortage. And affordable child care is certainly important for our economy. But, bringing real prosperity to Vermont requires so much more.  

Let’s start with taxes. Vermont consistently ranks as having one of the highest tax burdens in the country, despite being ranked well down the list for prosperity. Education needs to be accountable; the enormous amount we are spending is not producing results for far too many. Furthermore, we need to reverse the policies that have driven hundreds of successful Vermonters to move their entire tax liabilities to more welcoming states. You can’t have real prosperity if the prosperous can’t prosper.

Next, if there is going to be any real reform of Act 250 it has to go far beyond just housing. Local businesses/employers have to be able to expand without expensive unpredictable delays and attacks by neighbors and others seeking handouts. Entrepreneurs need to be encouraged to apply by state employees working on their behalf. How many more environmentally sound projects will not even be attempted due to simple unpredictability? 

Most importantly, if we are to achieve real prosperity, Vermonters have to recognize that we can not also solve all of the world’s environmental problems on our own. Guilt, imposed by special interest groups, is stagnating our economy. It’s OK to buy energy from clean out-of-state sources rather than destroy our farmlands to sell credits to those other states’ utilities. It’s OK to drive a non-electric car in a cold climate. It’s OK to heat our homes efficiently with diverse fuels. It’s OK to encourage tourism and outdoor recreation. 

Prosperity requires growth, not self-imposed stagnation. 

Leonard Duffy


Read the story on VTDigger here: Leonard Duffy: Prosperity requires growth, not self-imposed stagnation.