Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Birth Dec. 27, 1948

Yonkers, NY

Death Dec. 23, 2024

Saxtons River, VT

Details of service

There will be a Celebration of Life held on the weekend of the Summer Solstice, June 20-22, 2025. Go to www.csnh.com for updates, or to share memories, photos and comments.

The pulsating beat of Johnny Kravetz, 75, fell silent Dec. 23, 2024, as he passed away peacefully in his home in Saxtons River, surrounded by family and close friends.

Johnny was born Dec. 27, 1948, in Yonkers, NY, son of the late John J. Kravetz, Jr and Lorraine McAlinn Kravetz. He attended Catholic schools in Fairfield, Conn. for 12 years, and Norwalk Community College for 2 years. He served a brief stint in the U.S. Coast Guard. In 1970, Johnny joined some friends heading to Vermont, and found his forever home. He loved Vermont’s natural beauty, its residents’ simple way of life, and their tolerance for those who danced to the beat of a different drum.

Johnny became an accomplished drummer, musician and drum teacher, known as “Johnny Yuma”. He was a force in the music scene for over 50 years, playing drums, percussion and singing with scores of musicians in dozens of bands. He was perhaps best known as the kit drummer for SIMBA, which hosted Solstice dance parties for almost 30 years. He taught drums to young people at the local private schools, and to people of all ages in his home. He played hand-drums with the Island Drummers, and established the rhythms at the BF3F monthly musical jams. His repertoire and knowledge of music were encyclopedic, whether it was the jazz of Miles Davis or the rhythmic chanting of Mongolian goat herders. He sent out music videos from “WLSD Radio” on YouTube as DJ Mustapha Yumajahnee, showcasing unique music that expanded his viewers’ horizons.

Kravetz’s sense of humor was legendary, and his quick wit and mimicry will not be forgotten. He had a knack for turning his and others’ troubles and quirks into hilarious stories. He was an excellent athlete, a golfer, a ball player who also coached a successful women’s team in the area, and an avid runner for over 50 years. He attended Catholic Mass in Putney, often providing flowers for the altar that he gathered from neighbors’ yards; he later attended Mass in Bellows Falls. He had a deep abiding faith in the Divine Mother, which carried him through the challenging times in his life, He made friends with nearly everyone he met, from all walks of life, with total acceptance and appreciation of their individuality. He felt blessed to live with the love of his life, Miri, for 21 years, and they ran, traveled, improvised music together, and enjoyed each other’s companionship. He was able to explore such places as the Great Lakes in the US Midwest, both Florida coasts, Montreal and Quebec City for the annual DrumFests, the Sacred Valley in Peru, Lourdes in France, much of Thailand, the Caribbean coast of Mexico, and the west coast of the Big Island of Hawaii. He felt a special kinship with the indigenous people he met, and on return visits, was always greeted with welcoming hugs and joy that he remembered their names, and their stories.

John chose to end his life with the help of Bayada hospice rather than undergo medical procedures to extend life. His rhythms and unique heart’s beat will be treasured by his loving partner, Miriam Wolf of Saxtons River, his beloved daughter, Marielle Stoeltzing of Westminster; his sister, Anne Marie Derr of Shelburne Falls, Mass.; his niece, Lori Wulff (Dave) of New Haven, Conn.; extended family; and hundreds of close friends, neighbors, roommates, teammates, students, fellow musicians, and community friends, who will miss his vibrant, humorous presence and his caring nature.

Read the story on VTDigger here: John Joseph Kravetz, III.