Wed. Sep 25th, 2024

Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey delivers the State of the State address on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024 in Montgomery, Ala. She appointed Chris Beeker III to replace his father on the Alabama Public Service Commission after his father’s resignation on Sept. 23, 2024. (Stew Milne for Alabama Reflector)

Gov. Kay Ivey Monday appointed Chris Beeker III to replace his father, Chris “Chip” Beeker, Jr., on the Alabama Public Service Commission.

Beeker will finish his father’s term for Place 2 on the commission, which is charged with regulating utilities in the state. Beeker’s father, first elected to the commission in 2014, stepped down due to health concerns.

“Chris understands first-hand the needs of Alabama communities and our citizens, and he will hit the ground running as public service commissioner,” Ivey said in a statement.


Beeker said that his father’s decision “did not come lightly,” and that he is “fully aware of the great responsibility” he now has.

“It is with a humble heart that I accept the appointment to finish out my father’s term as Commissioner, Place 2, for the Alabama Public Service Commission,” Beeker said.

Ivey also said that Beeker “possesses an excellent record of governmental and business experience, including heading the Alabama branch of a major federal agency through which he directed significant investments in economic development and water and sewer infrastructure improvements literally all across our state.”

Beeker also served as USDA rural development director for the state of Alabama under former President Donald Trump.

Beeker’s term of office will begin immediately.

