Sun. Oct 20th, 2024

It’s time to raise the bar for campaigns and elections. (Elena Sunagatova | iStock | Getty Images Plus)

One of our candidates for governor appears to be betting it all on the belief that if there’s one thing the people of New Hampshire can agree on it’s that Massachusetts is terrible. 

Maybe it will prove to be a winning strategy, because who among us hasn’t been stuck behind a Massachusetts driver chilling in the left lane of Interstate 89 for mile upon maddening mile. In those moments, I sometimes imagine a “big, beautiful wall” at New Hampshire’s southern border but then quickly remember how much I love Boston and the Berkshires, and all the ties my family has to the commonwealth. I also remember how ridiculous it is to believe that border walls are a good solution for anything, and so I pass on the right and silently wish my Massachusetts neighbor a pleasant visit.

I get that the candidate is probably using “Massachusetts” as shorthand for “bastion of liberalism,” but it’s not exactly an inspiring platform. In a way, it shows contempt for voters, as if to say: “Instead of explaining in detail the ways I intend to help improve your lives and the lives of your children, instead of campaigning on ideas, let’s just keep it simple and say that whatever you hate about Massachusetts I also hate that.”

Editor’s Notebook: To what end? That is the most important policy question.

This country is getting killed by simplicity.

Occasionally, I drive by a house with a yard sign that says, “Whoever voted for Biden owes me gas money.” As far as political signs go, it’s fine. It makes a clear statement, with a touch of humor, and that’s actually kind of nice in these powder-keg times. But I also can’t help but wonder if the owner of the sign is under the impression – as I once was – that a president has a lot of control over the price of gasoline, because the truth is they don’t.

I remember, years ago, being gently corrected by a colleague when I suggested during a wide-ranging debate that the George W. Bush administration was manipulating prices at the pump. Honestly, it was a life-changing bruising of the ego for me at an age where I should have known better. I still can’t tell you off the top of my head how global fossil fuel markets work exactly, but I do know from that lesson that it’s complicated. So that was a big moment. To move from “the president is to blame for the high cost of gasoline” to “there’s a crazy number of fluctuating factors that contribute to crude oil prices” is a good step. It’s like taking a damp rag to a dirty window.

American politics has a lot of problems, and one of the biggest is the reductive nature of our elections. 

There’s plenty of blame to go around for this sorry state of affairs. Americans have short attention spans – sorry, but we do – and journalists understand that as well as anyone. There’s also a general lack of curiosity about why things are as they are, like gas prices. So what’s a candidate to do? Dryly lecture about the intricacies of housing policy and risk creating an impromptu adult nap time, or stitch together a bunch of fact-deficient one-liners interspersed with cherry-picked statistics? It’s probably not that hard of a choice if you’re trying to win.

But it doesn’t really have to be an either/or proposition, does it? No, it doesn’t.

If you decide to run for office out of a desire to truly serve the people, your first phone call for campaign advice should be to the best school teacher you’ve ever had or met. Who is better at reaching a diverse audience than a good teacher? Who is better at reading a room and adjusting a lesson on the fly, with humor and humility? Who is better at explaining complicated topics in a way that not only illuminates but inspires? Who is better at always treating people with respect, regardless of who they are or where they come from? Who is better at showing people, by example, why knowledge, empathy, and honesty are foundational to being a good citizen? Who is better at making us believe that we matter?

As politically divided as this nation is right now, I hope we can all see that the bar has been set much too low. The politicians are to blame for that, but we are too. We have not demanded more, and so we haven’t gotten it.

Thankfully, there’s always an election underway. It’s never too late to ask for better from our elected officials and candidates – our policy teachers for the class that never ends.

The post Editor’s Notebook: We asked for it, and now we’re getting it appeared first on New Hampshire Bulletin.
