Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

As a pastor, I am often asked where faith fits into our most contentious political debates. 

And few issues ignite as much passion as abortion. 


Yet, for those who follow the teachings of Christ, the question should not be whether we align with a particular political ideology but whether we are living out the radical love, justice and compassion that Jesus modeled. 

In Wyoming, where recent legislation threatens to shut down the state’s only in-clinic abortion provider, it is time for Christians to speak clearly: Reproductive freedom is not at odds with our faith. It is a matter of moral agency, human dignity and justice.

Too often, opposition to abortion is framed as the only “Christian” stance. This is a profound misunderstanding of both scripture and tradition. 

Nowhere in the Bible does it explicitly condemn abortion. What it does show, time and again, is God’s deep concern for the well-being of the vulnerable — women, the poor, the marginalized. When laws strip away reproductive autonomy, they do not eliminate difficult choices. They simply force women, especially those in low-income or rural areas, into greater precarity and suffering. A law that closes the only in-clinic provider in Wyoming is not a pro-life victory. 

It is a policy of cruelty masquerading as moral righteousness.

Christian faith is built on the principle of free will. God does not coerce; God invites. 

From the Garden of Eden to the teachings of Jesus, we see a consistent theme: God gives human beings the ability to make moral choices. 

Forced pregnancy is not a reflection of divine love. It is a violation of the dignity and autonomy that God grants to each person.

Moreover, reproductive freedom is a public health issue. The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed nation, and Wyoming already faces critical gaps in maternal care. 

The same legislators who claim to protect life refuse to expand Medicaid, provide paid family leave or support affordable child care. If the goal were truly to reduce abortion, lawmakers would advocate for comprehensive sex education, contraception access and economic policies that make parenthood a sustainable choice. Instead, they impose punitive restrictions that harm the very people Christ commands us to care for.

The Gospel teaches us to embody humility and care in how we treat others, especially in times of struggle and uncertainty. Jesus’ ministry modeled an approach that prioritized compassion over control, meeting people where they are and lifting their burdens rather than adding to them.

Communities thrive when their members are healthy and supported. Ensuring health care access strengthens families, fosters resilience and builds self-sufficiency. 

When a woman cannot access the care she needs, her health, economic stability and ability to care for others are at risk. Denying access to reproductive health care harms not just individuals, but also families and entire communities.

Christ’s call to gentleness and humility reminds us that we are not tasked with dictating the choices of others but with creating spaces of refuge and support where they can find guidance and grace. Supporting women in accessing the care they need reflects this love — meeting them in moments of need without judgment and trusting that God is present in their discernment.

True Christian love involves walking alongside people in their challenges and recognizing that God calls each of us to different paths. 

For many women, access to reproductive health care, including abortion, is a critical part of navigating complex and deeply personal situations. To deny them this choice is to withhold the compassion Christ demands of us. Love is not about control — it is about support. 

The ability to make choices about one’s own body is central to human dignity, and it is not our role to interfere with someone else’s deeply personal and often painful decisions.

Freedom is central to Christian teaching, yet it is often misunderstood in debates about reproductive health care. True freedom comes from God and empowers individuals to live in alignment with their faith and conscience, without coercion or fear. 

When we ensure access to health care, we affirm the God-given agency of each person to make choices that honor their values, circumstances and trust in God’s guidance.

The rhetoric from the Wyoming Freedom Caucus fails to honor this message. By opposing reproductive rights, they perpetuate harm and division, ignoring the Gospels’ call to create spaces where families can make these decisions without government interference.

Supporting women’s access to reproductive health care is not a compromise of faith — it is a profound expression of it. It reflects our commitment to love our neighbors and to protect the freedom to make health care decisions — values that are at the heart of the Gospel.

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