Dear Editor,
John Bossange’s opinion piece raised my eyebrows substantially. After a fairly good start about the problems facing Burlington, he goes off the rails when he claims that the problems of the city can be laid at the feet of the Progressives.
He should be challenged on his bizarre misreading of the recent history in Burlington. For 12 out of the last 13 years, the city has been helmed by a Democratic businessman, Miro Weinberger, whose priorities and programs oversaw the sinking of the Burlington dream.
Less than a year ago, the citizens of Burlington voted in a Progressive mayor by a larger margin than Weinberger ever got. Where are the 30,000 Burlingtonians who think the Progs are the cause of the deterioration in the city?
Mayor Mulvaney-Stanak has done more in one year than Weinberger ever did to address issues of drug addiction and homelessness. I guess the Progs are so bad because they couldn’t fix a problem that has been allowed to grow unchecked for 12 years in their first year of trying.
Barbie Alsop
Read the story on VTDigger here: Barbie Alsop: A response to John Bossange’s commentary about Burlington.