Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

A mobile billboard

A mobile billboard circles the legislative building on January 8, 2025 highlighting Jefferson Griffin’s attempt to throw out thousands of ballots in the state Supreme Court race. (Photo by Christine Zhu)


North Carolina is in the national news again and, as with past embarrassments like the infamous bathroom bill and efforts to ban talk of sea-level rise, it’s not a flattering story.

This time, it’s Republican state Supreme Court candidate Jefferson Griffin’s effort to retroactively throw out 60,000-plus ballots cast by registered voters in the 2024 election.

Griffin claims that voters whose records don’t include a Social Security number or driver’s license number should have been ineligible to vote – even though all were registered (many for decades) and had to show a photo ID to vote.

The claim is so farfetched that a Republican Supreme Court Justice called it quote “almost certainly meritless.”

Unfortunately, Griffin isn’t giving up, so tomorrow, Tuesday, advocates opposed to the scheme will gather across from the state Legislative Building in Raleigh to publicly read the names of all 60,000-plus challenged voters.

The bottom line: The event is scheduled to run from six am to eleven pm and will be live streamed on YouTube. North Carolinians who believe in democracy should check it out.

For NC Newsline, I’m Rob Schofield.