Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Mar-a-Lago is fancy. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

The billionaire “champ of the working class” is back with a vengeance, wielding familiar economic plans about as pleasurable to average Nevadans as a root canal. You’d think after the failure of the 2017 tax bill we’d have learned that Trump’s idea of “helping the people” translates to “helping the wildly rich get richer.” The wealthiest 1% of Nevada residents received an average tax cut of $113,840 last time, while the 20% of households in the middle quintile of Nevada earners saw an average cut of $380.

Nevadans think of themselves as stubborn as sagebrush, but right now, it feels like we’re bracing for more unnecessary, self-inflicted pain from tax schemes that mainly benefit the uber-elite. Our state’s median household income is $75,561, yet many of us, along with our children and grandchildren, will be responsible for shouldering an additional $5 trillion in debt. But wait, there’s a silver lining! These policies might push Nevada up a few notches on the “oh so important” list of billionaires per state! As one middle class person to another, doesn’t that make you feel better now? Meanwhile, in the “less important” category, we’re proudly ranked among the lowest in healthcare access, education, and right up there with the highest unemployment and cost of living. So much winning, right?

The money, however, does have to come from somewhere — taxes or deficit loans — so the “Winner Winner Plan” delivers cuts to programs, services and payrolls and raises the debt ceiling — again — while former deficit hawks are now playing the role of debt raising doves . 

Slashing Medicaid, or how vulnerable Nevadans prove “every sunset feels like a promise kept.” Oh, cutting Medicaid—because who needs health care for the old, poor, and sick, right? I mean, if you’re not swimming in cash, who really cares if you lose your coverage? It’s all about efficiency, baby. If the feds decide to yank back funding, Nevada could kiss nearly $1.9 billion in Medicaid funds goodbye. That’s billion with a “B.” No big deal, right? Who needs that kind of money to keep vulnerable people alive and healthy?

And let’s talk about the per capita cap idea. Because why not set a fixed funding limit per person? Sure, it sounds good until you realize that any health costs that go over that cap are suddenly Nevada’s responsibility. So, if a major health crisis pops up—”ding ding ding! Winner! Winner!—it’s all on the state. But hey, we’ve got plenty of elderly and sick people just hanging around, right? Let’s just make them disappear if they don’t have enough bank to pay for their care. Efficiency!

Taxing scholarships and fellowships or “Cowboy up kids!” Our younger families are Nevada tough, so let’s tax the scholarships students earn like a paycheck because apparently, there’s no sense in investing in Nevada students who are perpetually at the bottom anyway. Heck, no! Trust-fund youngsters getting ahead sounds suspiciously like DEI. “Don’t let your boots get too big for your britches” kids. If you insist on having ambition, get a high-interest loan

A 20% tariff on imported goods or Nevada’s shot to showcase our pioneer spirit: The smaller your paycheck, the skinnier you’ll be! (Trump despises bulges, ‘cept his). Thus the only thing bulging will be your grocery bill–in fact, by about $1,000 dollars on average. Given that 38% of Nevadans are considered to have adult obesity, with 11% diabetic, filling up on cheap made in America carbs and sugar rather than healthy imported fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, seafood, and grains, it makes sense, right? If only we could all get a chicken and plant a garden. Except…oops! Bird flu. Since Trump’s beloved new tariffs also cover extras like clothes and electronics, let’s demonstrate we’re crafty, western patriots, and just make our own garments!

Cutting SNAP (food stamps), or how to demonstrate our Silver State grit. Trump’s plan slashes SNAP –so smart! As of early 2023, about 250,000 Nevadans were enrolled. It’s time freeloading children live up to our heritage of self-reliance. Remember Nevada was built on silver and glitter, and well, alcohol, but, apparently, not food. 


Satire aside, as a Nevada native, 20-year veteran public school teacher, and breast cancer survivor, let me remind everyone of something significant. Though we proudly tout being “Battle Born,” Nevada actually never saw any battles during the Civil War and didn’t contribute significantly to the conflict. Our swift path to statehood was more about political and financial strategy, especially helping secure votes in the 1864 presidential election, while we also supplied silver and gold.

Today it feels like we’re in a similar position. Once again, we’re being exploited for our labor, wages, resources, and land. Let’s not be fooled into playing the same role as unwitting pawns. Trump’s narrative is all about making us feel like we’re part of the “winning team,” but that’s as hollow as a cheesy state slogan. The trickle-down theory has never benefited the middle class, despite what some might think and many desperately want to believe. To think it will now is foolery. His plan is not designed to help anyone except those already “sitting in the VIP box.” It’s a blatant slap in the face to Nevadans who thought Trump had their backs, another calculated move to gut programs that keep us afloat, all while income inequality keeps climbing.

I am not sure I or many people I know, whether they be Democrat, Republican, or Independent will ever get over the fact that the majority of Nevada voters placed us in this dangerous predicament. Their decision has undeniably contributed to the chaos we’re witnessing. It’s crucial to recognize that rural voters, in particular, will feel the impact of this the hardest. The illusion of Trump as the “champion of the working class” is just that, an illusion. His policies and decisions have consistently failed to deliver real benefits for those who need them most. Contact your representatives and make your voice heard.