Mon. Mar 10th, 2025
Letters to the editor.

Dear Editor,

(In response to Steven Lidofsky’s commentary, “The Green Mountain Care Board needs a vision exam”:)

The willful ignoring of the need for better administration is discouraging. No, the point is not to work doctors to the bone while eroding patient care in the pursuit of a more robust bottom line. The point is to make sure that doctors (and all staff) are productively working at the “top of their license” so that they are making most efficient use of their specialized training. 

When doctors are forced to scramble to do support jobs because the administration has elected to show how good they are at holding down labor costs rather than appropriately compensating and staffing support roles — so that doctors, NPs and nurses can safely, effectively and productively manage patient care — we don’t save money. But bigwig administrators get to say in their next job interview that they faced down the nurses union.

Roger Brown


Read the story on VTDigger here: Roger Brown: Criticism of the UVM Medical Center is not criticism of their doctors.