Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

The U.S. and Wisconsin flags at half staff in commemoration of those killed and wounded in a December school shooting in Madison. (Photo by Erik Gunn/Wisconsin Examiner)

Republican lawmakers are proposing bills they say will help protect children from gun violence by armingĀ  teachers, providing grants to schools to improve building safety and staff training and eliminating taxes on gun safes.Ā 

In the aftermath of the December school shooting at Abundant Life Christian School in Madison, in which a teacher and student were killed and six others were injured, Gov. Tony Evers announced at the State of the State address that he plans to propose stricter background checks and red flag laws to address gun violence.

Republican leaders were not receptive to the proposals. Assembly Speaker Robin Vos said there are already some gun control measures in state statute and added, ā€œsometimes people do bad things and thereā€™s only so much that we can do to prevent it.ā€

Republican lawmakers in the last week have started circulating three proposals they say would be more effective in curbing gun violence.

One of the proposals, from Rep. Scott Allen (R-Waukesha) and Sen. Cory Tomczyk (R-Mosinee), would allow teachers with a gun license to carry firearms on campus if school boards adopt a policy saying itā€™s allowed.Ā 

ā€œSchool shootings are tragedies we hate to seeā€¦ The knowledge that no one on the premises has the firepower to stop them emboldens bad actors,ā€ the lawmakers stated in a co-sponsorship memo.Ā 

Asked at a Monday press conference why his proposal is preferable to Eversā€™, Allen noted that an armed guard is typically stationed outside his office in the state Capitol.Ā 

ā€œMust be for a reason. If you travel with the governor, youā€™ll find that he has Wisconsin State Patrol armed with him wherever he goesā€¦ Why should he deserve that kind of protection and not our kids in schools?ā€ Allen said. ā€œThe reality is that if somebody is intent on doing evil, and they have a weapon of any sort ā€” whether itā€™s a firearm or a knife or anything ā€” theyā€™re dangerous, and we need to meet force with force, if weā€™re going to stop it.ā€

Allen also said that he thinks many actions could be taken to address school shootings including working to improve mental health.

ā€œWeā€™ve supported things in the past regarding that ā€” supported the governor in increasing mental health aides and improving our schoolsā€™ ability to communicate with students and address mental health issues in schools,ā€ Allen said. ā€œWe need to harden the targets. We need to make it impossible or practically impossible for any perpetrator to get in our schools to begin with.ā€

According to the Gun Violence Archive (GVA), there were 503 mass shootings in 2024 and as of Jan. 27, there have been 18 in 2025. GVA defines a mass shooting as one where there are ā€œa minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident.ā€

A 2024 report by Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions found that firearms continue to be a leading cause of death for kids and teens, and that Black children and teens are disproportionately the victims.Ā 

Wisconsinā€™s current law prohibits people ā€” with the exception of law enforcement officers ā€” from carrying firearms on school grounds, and any individual found knowingly possessing one could be charged with a felony.

The bill making it legal for teachers to carry guns to school would also seek to make it easier for teachers to obtain a gun license by waiving the cost of the initial application fee, renewal fee and background check fee for teachers who apply for a license.

This is the second time the lawmakers have introduced the proposal. They introduced it for the first time in 2023 at the request of the Germantown school board. The board passed a resolution in August 2022 following a school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, which killed 19 children and two teachers and injured 17 others.

ā€œWe need to protect our students from bad actors who perversely seek infamy, and we should allow local school boards, with community input, to determine the right policies to ensure that students are protected,ā€ the lawmakers stated. ā€œSometimes the best way to deter bad actors is with the threat of force, and this bill gives that choice to school districts.ā€Ā 

Grants to schoolsĀ 

Another proposal from Sen. Jesse James (R-Thorp), Rep. Joy Goeben (R-Hobart) and Allen would provide grants for Wisconsin public, private and tribal schools to improve the safety of their buildings and provide security training for school personnel.Ā 

The bill would invest $30 million in a one-time grant program that would be administered by the Office of School Safety. The office, which is a part of the Department of Justice, was created under the 2017 Wisconsin Act 143, and under that law, $100 million was appropriated to the DOJ in fiscal year 2018-19 for awarding school safety grants.

In 2018, the DOJ was able to award 1,325 grants totaling $94.5 million to school districts, private, independent charter and tribal schools and the remaining funds went to supporting other school safety initiatives, including adolescent mental health training.Ā 

ā€œAs a state, we need to ensure that our Wisconsin schools have the necessary tools and resources needed to create and maintain a safe learning environment for all students,ā€ the lawmakers stated in a memo to their colleagues. ā€œJust like the funding from Act 143, we are confident that these additional funds will achieve this goal of giving more Wisconsin schools the chance to further enhance and update their safety measures.ā€

The new proposal would give priority to schools that did not receive any grant funds or missed the deadlines in the prior funding rounds, but it would be open to any schools. The DOJ would be able to award a maximum amount of $20,000 to an applicant.Ā 

Under the bill, the program would sunset on July 1, 2027.Ā 

Tax exemption for gun safes

Another pair of lawmakers ā€” Rep. Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) and Sen. Van Wanggaard (R-Racine) ā€” are proposing eliminating taxes on gun safes as a way to help people afford them.Ā 

The lawmakers said in a memo that they are putting the legislation forth ā€œto encourage people to store guns securely, and keep children safe from accidental injury, death, and suicide.ā€Ā 

ā€œSimply put, this bill promotes responsible gun safety,ā€ the lawmakers stated.

Evers included a similar measure in his 2023-25 budget proposal, but it was removed by Republican lawmakers. A handful of states ā€” including Michigan, Tennessee and Washington ā€” have adopted this policy.

A similar bill was also proposed in 2019 with bipartisan support, though it failed to pass either chamber. At the time, the state Department of Revenue estimated that the bill would have resulted in $309,000 in lost tax revenue.Ā 

One Democratic senator is skeptical the measure would adequately address the gun violence problem facing the state and that lawmakers should be taking stronger actions to reduce the harm that children face from guns.

ā€œWisconsinites want safe communities where our kids have the freedom to learn and reach their potential without the fear of gun violence. Instead of implementing proven measures to reduce firearm injuries and gun violence, like safe storage laws and universal background checks, GOP politicians are offering a tax exemption,ā€ Sen. Kelda Roys (D-Madison) said in a statement.Ā 

Safe storage laws ā€” which have been adopted by 26 states across the U.S. ā€” require gun owners to store their firearms in a way that prevents unauthorized access, in order to keep guns out of the hands of children.

ā€œWe need to ensure that kids canā€™t access guns, and that if a house with kids has guns, they are stored safely away from kids,ā€ Roys continued. ā€œThis bill will do virtually nothing to keep kids safe, but the GOP politicians now cynically backing it are hoping it will keep them safe during their next election.ā€