Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Ashley Ehasz and Brian Fitzpatrick are running for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District seat (campaign/official photos)

The congressperson represents the 1st Congressional District, which includes all of Bucks County and parts of Eastern Montgomery County, in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Each representative is elected to serve for a two-year term. Representatives introduce and vote on bills and resolutions on behalf of the people of the district they serve.

U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, a Republican, was first elected to Congress in 2016.  He faces a reelection challenge from Democrat Ashley Ehasz, a U.S. Army veteran. Ehasz challenged Fitzpatrick in 2022, and lost by less than 10% of the vote.

The candidates, the ballot measures, and the tools you need to cast your vote.

The Capital-Star asked Ehasz and Fitzpatrick why they’re qualified to serve in Congress, why voters should trust them and how they would vote over the next two years.

Incumbent: Brian Fitzpatrick

Fitzpatrick, 56, was born in Philadelphia and raised in Levittown. He now lives in Middletown Township, Bucks County. Fitzpatrick has served as a federal prosecutor and a special agent in the FBI, fighting political corruption and supporting global counterterrorism efforts. In the FBI, he also served as the national director of its Campaign Finance and Election Crimes Enforcement Program and as a national supervisor for its Public Corruption Unit. He serves on the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Ways and Means Committee.

Pennsylvania U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, (R-1st District). (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

Q: What are you most proud of doing in your congressional tenure?

A: Championing our PA-1 community is my top priority. By forging strong, bipartisan relationships, I have been able to secure over $53 million in Community Project Funding for over 30 projects across our district. From modernizing infrastructure to expanding health care services and senior care, these transformative projects will deliver life-changing improvements to our community.

As Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, I helped lead the passage of the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which brought $290 million to our district. These critical infrastructure projects include 27 bridge reconstructions, 19 intersection upgrades, 8 roadway construction projects, and major flooding and drainage improvements. These projects have not only strengthened our infrastructure but also created thousands of jobs, boosting our local economy and enhancing the safety of our community.

Beyond securing critical community funding, this Congress marked two other monumental victories. My bipartisan, bicameral Saracini Enhanced Aviation Safety Act was signed into law as part of the landmark FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, ensuring our skies are safe and fortifying our defenses against potential terror attacks. Additionally, my work with Democratic Congressman Jared Golden on the bipartisan Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act helped shape the House National Security Funding Package to protect our borders and combat authoritarian regimes abroad, like Russia and China.

As I look ahead, my focus remains clear: continuing to fight for the issues that matter most to PA-1. I look forward to fighting for more federal investment in local initiatives and infrastructure, support for our small businesses, and policies that bolster our economy, expand access to healthcare, strengthen our national security, restore faith in our elections, and ensure every voice in our community is heard.

Q: Why are you the best person to represent the 1st District in Congress?

A: Serving the community where I was born and raised has been the greatest honor of my life and I am proud of all that we achieved together as One Community. Earning the distinction of being the #1 most bipartisan Member of Congress is not just a title — it’s a testament to my belief that true progress comes from unity and shared purpose, not partisan division. My experience as an FBI Special Agent taught me the value of teamwork in achieving what truly matters: results. This approach has been the bedrock of my service in Congress, where I’ve forged crucial partnerships with leaders from both parties to drive transformative change for our PA-1 community.

Whether fighting to secure millions of dollars in funding for vital community initiatives, leading the historic reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, or utilizing my leadership as the National Intelligence Chairman to secure our borders and stand firm against authoritarian regimes, every action I take — locally, nationally, and internationally — is driven by a singular focus: fighting for you… for your safety, for a thriving PA-1 economy, and for the prosperity, security, and strength that will uplift our community now and for generations to come.

We stand at a pivotal moment in our history, and the path forward demands sound bipartisan leadership and a particular understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities facing our community. I have proven we can turn thoughtful dialogue into meaningful action and achieve results for our hardworking families, business owners, veterans, senior citizens, and every individual in our PA-1 community. But I am not content with past achievements alone. My vision is forward-looking — building on what we’ve accomplished to tackle the challenges ahead with the same unwavering dedication, conviction, and integrity that have always defined my service.

Q: What do you see as the most important issue in the 1st Congressional District?

A: Democracy is worth protecting both here at home and abroad. The price of inaction is just too high, as fentanyl flows across the border killing our fellow Americans and cartels exploit the porous border for criminal activity, in addition to raging wars in the Middle East and Europe. We need to restore operational control of our border. To safeguard our democracy here at home, I introduced the bipartisan Let America Vote Act, which would ensure that every U.S. citizen, regardless of political affiliation, has the unequivocal right to vote while reinforcing election integrity by strictly prohibiting non-citizens from participating in taxpayer funded elections. Specifically, this legislation would allow access to political party primaries for Independents or non-affiliated voters. We need lawmakers answering to their entire constituency.

I will continue to fight for all American voices and restore faith in our elections. It should be easy to vote, and hard to cheat. That is why I authored H.R. 156, The Restoring Faith in Our Elections Act. My bill would require a photo ID in order to vote, require signature matching for absentee ballots, and ensure that only U.S. citizens are voting. I support eliminating partisan gerrymandering, which causes lawmakers to focus on accumulating power rather than serving constituents and has contributed to the partisanship that grinds the gears of government to a halt.

We must fix a broken Washington with a government reform plan that challenges career politicians: term limits for members of Congress, pass a budget or don’t get paid, and balance the budget. These common sense reforms would change the incentive structure and lead to more problem solving for the American people. Hyper-partisanship is the greatest internal threat to our country. These reforms would be transformative and help promote the bipartisanship that our community and country want.

Q: Do you think abortion access should be enshrined in the Constitution? Why or why not?

A: I have always stood, and will continue to stand, firmly in support of Pennsylvania’s current law, which allows abortion to be legal through the first 24 weeks of pregnancy. My commitment to protecting women’s health remains unwavering, including safeguarding access to contraception and IVF. My position has been consistent and clear, including during last election’s debate: I fully support Pennsylvania’s abortion law.

With 73% of district voters backing my position on upholding Pennsylvania’s law, it’s clear that my stance aligns with the overwhelming majority — opposed to my opponent’s extreme position advocating to abolish the state’s current law and allow for abortions anytime during a pregnancy, a view supported by only 23% of voters.

My opponent’s characterization of H.R. 36 — which allows abortions by choice for five months and abortions for medical necessities for nine months — as a “ban” shows how dishonest she remains. Our Democrat senator Bob Casey Jr. voted for this same exact measure. Is my opponent claiming that Sen. Casey voted for a “ban?” She won’t, because she knows it is a lie.

Q: Do you think the federal minimum wage should be raised? Why or why not?

A: Yes, I have voted for a gradual increase in the federal minimum wage. I believe the current federal minimum wage is too low and that working families deserve to work with dignity and a fair wage. I have also supported an approach that would acknowledge cost-of-living disparities in regions across the United States and would take a holistic approach to enhancing the minimum wage in the United States.

Q: Given the presence of Marcellus shale in the 1st District, what is your position on fracking in Pennsylvania?

As we see with the grim situation in Europe with their overreliance on Russian energy manipulation, we need a balanced approach. I am for a comprehensive approach to energy which incentivizes renewable energy including wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear while also unleashing the potential of America’s existing resources. While I am opposed to fracking in the Delaware River Basin, I am supportive of preserving the dynamic energy production we have seen in other regions of the Commonwealth.

Q: What do you think America’s role should be in the Middle East conflict?

I fully understand that Israel and the United States share a special relationship, cultivated and reaffirmed in word and action. On October 7, 2023, Hamas launched a brutal and unprovoked assault on innocent civilians in Israel, including Americans, marking the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Support for a safe and secure Israel transcends political parties and should be the cornerstone of any Middle East foreign policy.  I have strongly opposed the nuclear deal with Iran, the world’s largest state-sponsor of terror, and believed that the Iran deal was misguided from the start and was rammed through despite the bipartisan objection of Congress and an overwhelming majority of the American people.

From advocating for moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, to standing up to the dangerous anti-Israel BDS movement, to supporting efforts to continue strengthening the relationship between the U.S. and Israel, and defending our ally Israel’s interests in the Middle East through supporting the Israel Relations Normalization Act and the historic Abraham Accords, Hamas International Financing Prevention Act, and strongly advocating for the Iron Dome, I have demonstrated my commitment to Israel, day-in and day-out. As Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism, I am committed to ensuring our friends in Israel are supported and that we are fighting back against antisemitism on every front. We must be relentless in the fight against terrorism and antisemitism and to stand unwaveringly with our friends in Israel, always.

Q: What do you think America’s role should be in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

As the world’s oldest and strongest democracy, the United States’ primary responsibility must be to secure its own borders. But we also have an obligation to assist our allies in securing their borders, especially when they come under assault by dictators, terrorists, and totalitarians. Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan are all freedom-loving democracies, they are our allies, and we must assist them in protecting their borders just as we must protect our own. The world is watching, and if we abandon our allies now, I fear our nation will pay the price in the future. We must support the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and democracy and stand up to Putin’s brutal war of terror. As Co-Chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Ukraine Caucus, my work with Democratic Congressman Jared Golden on the bipartisan Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act helped shape the House National Security Funding Package to protect our borders and combat authoritarian regimes abroad, like Russia and China. I will always stand with Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Q: Do you support providing student loan forgiveness to some borrowers? Why or why not?

I support targeted relief and incentive programs, like employer-sponsored student loan repayment programs. I also support student loan forgiveness for public service professionals and those who have committed their careers to high, like teachers, cops, firefighters, and nurses. We need to revolutionize American education and job training so that we are preparing students for a 21st century job market. That means, among other things, reducing barriers to educational opportunities and post-graduation success. For too many, student loan debt is a crippling burden that impacts their involvement in our economy and achieving personal goals like owning a home, starting a family and supporting their community.

I have introduced bipartisan legislation to address this crisis. The Student Loan Refinancing and Recalculation Act would allow students to refinance their student loan interest rates, lower future student loan interest rates, eliminate origination fees on student loans, delay student loan interest rate accrual for low-income and middle-class borrowers while they are pursuing their education, and allow for borrowers in medical or dental residencies to defer payments until the completion of their program. 

I also support the College Transparency Act, which will provide information for students and families as they consider higher education opportunities. Families should be able to access data tied to key metrics such as enrollment, completion, and post-college success across colleges and majors so that each student can make a more informed choice about their education. Education is a right, not a privilege, and in Congress, I promise to continue to be an advocate for our children, fighting for access, resources, and funding.

Challenger Ashley Ehasz

Ehasz, 36, grew up in Southeastern Pennsylvania and now lives in Bensalem Township, Bucks County. Ehasz has served in the U.S. Army, where she flew Apache helicopters and rose to the rank of captain and commanded two aviation units. After her military service ended, Ehasz worked as a policy writer and coordinator to implement the CARES Act for county government.

Ashley Ehasz (campaign photo)

Q: This is not your first time running against Brian Fitzpatrick. Why do you think this time will have a different outcome?

A: Choice is the number one issue in PA-01. In 2022, Democrats focused on incumbent protection and playing defense. In 2024, we’re on offense, and voters know that the stakes are even higher, since the leader in the White House can determine the fate of a national abortion ban. Donors, stakeholders, and most importantly, PA-01 voters are eager to support my candidacy in a district that is overwhelmingly pro-choice and voted for President Biden by 5 points in 2020. Polling consistently shows that PA-01 voters are pro-choice, but Brian Fitzpatrick voted for a national abortion ban that would overturn Pennsylvania law. When voters are informed about Fitzpatrick’s anti-choice voting history, they abandon him and support me by 7 points. 

Most importantly in 2024, I have the momentum that my opponent does not. In Q3 2024, I raised over $1.25 million – more than any other Democrat has raised in one quarter in PA-01 history, with over 85% of that raise coming from grassroots donors. While my fundraising has continued to grow markedly quarter after quarter, Fitzpatrick’s numbers shrank from $1 million in Q1 to $855,000 in Q2, a trend expected to continue with his Q3 report.

In 2024, local and national allies have lined up to support my campaign – including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, EMILYs List, and three labor unions that stayed out last cycle. The United Auto Workers and the American Federation of Teachers endorsed my campaign, as did the Transport Workers Union Local #234, which broke from their national chapter. Sierra Club, which stayed out of the race in 2022 and supported Fitzpatrick in 2020, also felt compelled to join Team Ehasz this cycle.

Q: Why are you the best person to represent the 1st District in Congress?

A: The January 6th insurrection was a turning point for me as I thought about whether or not to run for public office. I joined the Army at 17 to defend the Constitution and protect our nation from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Our current representative, Brian Fitzpatrick, has protected Donald Trump, voting twice against impeaching Trump after January 6th, and later for two men for Speaker of the House (Jim Jordan, twice, and Mike Johnson) who tried to overturn votes right here in Pennsylvania.

In addition, with the recent increase in the assaults on reproductive healthcare and women’s bodies, PA-01 deserves a pro-choice representative. Constituents in this district are overwhelmingly pro-choice, and our current representative is vehemently anti-choice.

I grew up in Pennsylvania to a single mother for most of my childhood in a challenging home-life, watching my parents struggle with mental health and substance abuse issues. I understand the challenges that children and families in my district are facing every day, and I was given the opportunity to serve my country and defend these families abroad, while their condition worsened at home. I want to fight to defend the Constitution and give families in my community an honest opportunity to grow and succeed.

Q: What do you see as the most important issue in the 1st Congressional District?

A: In Congress, I will protect reproductive rights and abortion access for all Americans. My opponent’s anti-abortion voting record, including a vote for a national abortion ban that would overturn current Pennsylvania law, shows that he is out of touch with the needs of our district and with most Americans. Now that Roe v. Wade is overturned, it is more important than ever to elect pro-choice women like me and defeat anti-choice politicians like my opponent.

Q: Do you think abortion access should be enshrined in the Constitution? Why or why not?

A: I will always be a staunch advocate for a woman’s right to choose and believe it should be enshrined in the Constitution. Meanwhile, my opponent, Brian Fitzpatrick, has continuously opposed access to a woman’s right to choose — even voting for a national abortion ban that would overturn Pennsylvania law. The Dobbs decision has put the health of women and families in jeopardy. Unlike Congressman Fitzpatrick, I support H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would federally codify Roe v. Wade, and I look forward to casting my vote in its favor in Congress.

As a combat veteran, I also understand that access to abortion and reproductive healthcare is a national security issue. Now that Roe is overturned, we have hamstrung a huge portion of military might — female service members. In the military, members go where they are told and receive their healthcare from the government. Thus, members placed in states with Trump abortion bans face significant barriers to receiving the reproductive care they may need.

As I wrote in an op-ed with the Bucks County Courier Times, access to abortion is not only an issue for single women, but also families looking to determine their own futures. In fact, many Americans who have an abortion are already parents when they choose to do so. This can have broad economic impacts for women and their families, and access to abortion is essential to protecting the rights of women to freely participate in society.

Q: Given the presence of Marcellus shale in the 1st District, what is your position on fracking in Pennsylvania?

A: The climate crisis presents an incredible opportunity to foster new economic growth here in Pennsylvania and across the country. As a Member of Congress, I will work to make sure that we turn this threat into jobs and investment all across Pennsylvania. The move toward climate resilience is a great opportunity to expand blue-collar, union jobs right here in Bucks and Montgomery counties. Green tech and energy jobs, necessary to support families looking to send their children to college, can be incentivized through partnerships between federal, state, and local governments. Transitioning to clean energy is absolutely critical in the fight against climate change, and I support closing loopholes that allow fossil fuel corporations to be exempt from drilling and pollution standards for fracking. This transition must also prioritize hardworking union members who will need to be supported and retrained to ensure their livelihoods are not threatened. I recognize that PA-01 will be a part of the solution to the climate crisis globally, so my advocacy will always include support for America’s leadership in this fight both at home and abroad.

Q: What do you think America’s role should be in the Middle East conflict?

A: As a combat veteran, I deeply believe the United States must stand by its allies and continue to be a leader in brokering peace in the Middle East. What happened on October 7, 2023, was a terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas, and I believe in Israel’s right to self-defense. The United States should lead efforts to achieve a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a negotiated bilateral ceasefire that includes the immediate release of hostages, and increased humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza.

Q: What do you think America’s role should be in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?

A: The United States must continue to be a leader in brokering peace in Ukraine and must continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Putin’s dangerous authoritarianism. The current conflict shows us that our allies and partners are more important than ever. As a veteran who served alongside our NATO allies overseas, I am deeply committed to that relationship, as well as those with our European allies and partners at large. If we are to deter Russian aggression over not just the next few years, but over the course of generations, we must preserve and even strengthen these relationships.

Q: Do you support providing student loan forgiveness to some borrowers? Why or why not?

A: Despite the GI Bill, I have nearly $70,000 of student loan debt from my Master’s degree. As the daughter of parents who weren’t able to afford college or access the resources they needed to get there, I recognize that far too many families struggle to obtain higher education. The federal government should reduce burdens for borrowers through fairer interest rates and caps on monthly payments, as well as expand public interest loan forgiveness programs, to ensure that anyone can afford to work in the public sector regardless of their student loan burden.
