Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

The legislation could be reintroduced next session, one of its sponsors said. (Aristide Economopoulos For NJ Monitor)

New Hampshire will not join the 47 other states that provide records of psychiatric hospitalization commitments for gun background checks – at least for now. 

Thursday, Senate Republicans defeated a final attempt to submit that information to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, saying the bill was flawed and would have violated the constitutional right to have firearms. Sen. Daniel Innis, a Bradford Republican, said the bill could have allowed the state to confiscate not only the guns owned by the hospitalized person but also guns owned by other people living in the house. 

Sen. Sharon Carson, a Londonderry Republican, also criticized the bill’s sponsors for not collaborating with gun rights groups in drafting the bill. 

“It’s important that their voices are heard, but they’re never included in this process,” she said. “So please, if you’re going to bring things forward, include people who actually own guns and get their opinion.”

The bill’s prime sponsor, Rep. Terry Roy, a Deerfield Republican, is a gun owner, and until this bill, has never backed legislation limiting gun rights. He and House Democratic Rep. David Meuse of Portsmouth filed House Bill 1711 in response to the November fatal shooting of state hospital security officer Bradley Haas by a former patient. 

“I continue to be a 2nd Amendment advocate,” Roy said in a text following the Senate vote. “But that does not mean that I cannot take extremely limited, constitutional, life-saving matters into consideration. The two are not mutually exclusive.”

Roy, who got his bill through the GOP-controlled House twice, has indicated he’ll consider reintroducing legislation should he return to the House. 

The Attorney General’s Office continues to investigate Haas’ shooting and has not said how the shooter, John Madore, obtained the gun he used to kill Hass. Madore was shot and killed by a state trooper who responded to the scene.

Madore had his guns confiscated by the police in 2016, following an arrest and subsequent commitment to New Hampshire Hospital. At the time of the state hospital shooting, those firearms were still in police custody, according to the Attorney General’s Office. 

The bill was vehemently opposed by gun rights groups, including the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, which argued the bill would allow an illegal confiscation of firearms without due process. However, the bill would have required a court hearing before guns were confiscated and only if a judge found the person’s mental illness posed a danger to themself or others. 

Haas’ family did not testify on the bill or return messages from the Bulletin.

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