Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

As enrollment in our programs continues to grow year after year, it is increasingly clear that energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to save money, fight climate change, and grow the clean energy economy in Connecticut.

Through innovative efforts like the Energize Connecticut℠ Community Partnership Initiative and the Green Sustainability Technical Education Program, Eversource is making a lasting impact on the communities we serve and providing opportunities for municipalities, businesses, and individuals to thrive.

Driving Innovation with Community Partners

The mission of the Community Partnership Initiative—now in its second round—is to reach groups that may not otherwise be aware of, or have historically not accessed, energy efficiency programs. These groups include environmental justice communities (EJCs) and low-income households, which often face a dramatically higher energy burden than the average household; and small businesses, which spend collectively over $60 billion annually on energy costs. Energy efficiency can have a substantial impact on these groups, with solutions and technology that will help to reduce energy usage and the associated costs. 

Through the Partnership, Eversource’s energy experts partner with community-based organizations, municipalities, and chambers of commerce to award applicants with grants to increase participation in select Energize Connecticut programs. Programs include Home Energy Solutions℠ (HES) and Home Energy Solutions℠ – Income Eligible (HES-IE), which begin with a no-cost energy assessment for eligible renters and homeowners and guide customers through energy-saving home improvements with rebates and incentives; and Small Business Energy Advantage (SBEA), which does the same for qualifying businesses. For residential property owners of five or more dwelling units, energy efficiency savings are available through the Multifamily Initiative, which is another offer the Partnership is actively driving participation toward.

Thanks to the Partnership project teams’ dedicated outreach to EJCs in 2024, we are anticipating a 10 percent increase in participation in each of these programs within the 10 Eversource communities included in this round, with more than 2,000 energy efficiency assessments and projects expected to be completed across our state. Leveraging the local knowledge and relationships of these community groups, we are better able to understand the needs of specific towns, cities, and individuals, and connect them with resources that will make a tangible difference in their lives.

As we prepare to announce this third round of the Partnership, we are gratified to see communities that participated in Round 1 and Round 2 thriving. The Town of Branford, for example, and its Clean Energy Committee participated in Round 1 of the Partnership. With its grant award it launched the Branford Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) campaign, which increased enrollment in the SBEA program. Over 60 organizations—including small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and community groups—were driven to the program as a result of the BEE campaign, making Branford’s participation in SBEA one of the highest in the state for 2022 and 2023. One participating business, the be Salon, is now saving over 4,000 kWh annually—the equivalent of avoiding the carbon emissions that would come from driving over 7,000 miles in a gas-powered car. With so many energy efficiency projects completed throughout the town—from weatherization, to installing LED lighting, to new EV chargers and more—the long-term impact on the entire town will be immense.

Branford Business Energy Efficiency participant the be Salon is now saving over 4,000 kWh annually—the equivalent of avoiding the carbon emissions that would come from driving over 7,000 miles in a gas-powered car. Credit: Courtesy of Eversource

The City of Waterbury, meanwhile, participated in both Round 1 and Round 2 to launch its own Home Energy Action Campaign, through which it worked with partners like the nonprofit organization Clean Water Action and local leaders in Waterbury to help residents learn about and participate in the HES and HES-IE programs. According to Clean Water, major uses of energy within homes include space heating (around 45 percent of total energy use), water heating (around 18 percent), and space cooling (around 9 percent). Through the HES and HES-IE programs, property owners and renters weatherize their homes with air sealing and upgraded insulation (in addition to other energy efficiency measures), which will allow them to reduce energy usage while still keeping homes temperate and comfortable.

Waterbury launched its own Home Energy Action Campaign, through which it worked with partners like the nonprofit organization Clean Water Action and local leaders in Waterbury to help residents learn about and participate in the HES and HES-IE programs. Credit: Courtesy of Eversource

As we’ve seen in these towns and others, incredible achievements in sustainability and energy efficiency can be accomplished through the Partnership, and they are creating healthier environments for their residents and business owners to enjoy for years to come. Building off the success of Round 1 and Round 2 of the Partnership, Eversource and the other Sponsors of Energize Connecticut plan to announce application details for Round 3—which will continue to prioritize EJCs and other disadvantaged groups—in the coming months.

Building Tomorrow’s Green Energy Workforce

Just as we are committed to direct engagement with our communities, we are invested in creating a more sustainable future and contributing to a more robust energy economy in Connecticut.

Launched in 2015, the Green Sustainability Technical Education Program—commonly known as Green STEP—is a green workforce development program designed to equip students with the skills and certifications they need to thrive in the rapidly growing green building industry. Through specialized training workshops related to science, technology, engineering and math, sustainability, and energy efficiency, Green STEP supplements the regular high school curriculum while making students aware of job opportunities in the fields of sustainability, energy efficiency, weatherization and home performance, and clean energy production.

Participating students have the opportunity to earn four certifications from the Building Performance Institute, as well as one each from Urban Green Council and the U.S. Green Building Council. In the 2023–2024 school year alone, the Green STEP program issued over 500 certifications. In addition to earning their certifications, students had the chance to meet with local contractors to learn about real job, apprenticeship, and internship opportunities.

We have made this program available to every single high school student in Connecticut, both after school and during spring and summer programs, so that they can broaden their knowledge at times that are convenient for them. More green jobs will continue to be available to an up-and-coming workforce every year, and with the right training and certifications, our Green STEP graduates are well-positioned to contribute meaningfully to this industry, and help their own communities to flourish.

A Brighter Future through Energy Efficiency

Through programs like Green STEP and the Community Partnership Initiative, we are helping to build a knowledgeable, skilled workforce that will drive Connecticut’s clean energy economy forward. Eversource’s commitment to these communities—whether through workforce development or by expanding access to energy-saving programs for disadvantaged groups—ensures that no group is left behind in the transition to a more sustainable future.

Paid for by shareholders.
